Springtime in th Fortuna Mountain area of Mission Trails 2004

Mission Trails is coming to life after the October 2003 fire that burned 2,800 acres in the East and West Fortuna Regions of the park. Most areas of the park have been reopened for public use. When going into the park please stay on designated trails and observe all signs. Photos taken along the Jackson Drive, Suycott Wash and South Fortuna Mountain trails April 9, 2004

Dorothy Leonard
West Fortuna Region from the Jackson Drive entrance.
Dorothy Leonard
Looking north towards Suycott Wash and South Fortuna
Dorothy Leonard
Burnt fence post partially hidden by new vegetation.
Dorothy Leonard
Suycott Wash picnic area. The picnic tables survived the fire and the oaks are slowly recovering.
Dorothy Leonard
Laurel sumac and coastal prickly pear cactus recovering from the fire.
Dorothy Leonard
Mariposa Lily

Dorothy Leonard
Suycott Wash and South Fortuna 16 days after the fire.
Dorothy Leonard
Suycott and South Fortuna 5-1/2 months after the fire.

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