Mission Trails Regional Park Summer Camp

Offered by the Mission Trails Regional Park Foundation

This summer, the Mission Trails Regional Park Foundation is offering day camps for children 6-11 years of age.

Let Mission Trails be your camper’s inspiration this summer as they get creative at the Makers in Nature Art Camp. During the camp, children will explore the outdoors and their fun, educational experiences will be reflected in the artworks they create. Campers will experiment with different art mediums, create art made from recycled materials, and explore Mission Trails on daily nature walks. This camp is a must for all crafty nature-loving kiddos and this year we will be hosting two summer camps simultaneously, one for children ages 6-8, and one for ages 9-11. Snacks are provided but campers must bring lunch, a water bottle, hat, and sunscreen. Register here.

June 2 – June 6 
Art in the Wild (6-8 year oldsFULL
The Art of Ecosystems (9-11 year olds)

June 9 – June 13
Explorers of Mission Trails (6-8 year olds)
Nature’s Hidden Creatures (9-11 year olds)

June 16 – June 20
Colors of Mission Trails (6-8 year olds)
No Camp (9-11 year olds)

June 23 – June 27
Amazing Animal Adaptations (6-8 year olds) FULL
Inventions of Nature (9-11 year olds)

June 30 – July 3 (No camp on July 4)
Skyward Wonders (6-8 year olds)
The Wonders of Air & Water (9-11 year olds)

Registration fee: $400
Optional extended day fee: $100
One time 10% discount on a sibling’s camp fee when enrolled the same week. Use code SIBLING10% at checkout
Register here.

Camp Hours (Extended Day available)
Drop off from 9-9:15AM
Pick up from 3:45-4PM

Extended Day Hours
Drop off as early as 8:30AM
Pick up as late as 4:30PM

Day Camp Locations
Mission Trails Regional Park Visitor Center
One Father Junipero Serra Trail
San Diego, CA 92119

Is Summer Camp at Mission Trails a Good Fit for your Child?

Mission Trails Summer Camp is designed for kids ages 6–11, offering an exciting opportunity to explore nature, get creative, and make new friends. Before signing up, consider these points to see if this camp is a good fit for your child:

Group Skills: Can your child stay together in a group? At Mission Trails, we encourage collaboration and group activities, so children need to feel comfortable participating and engaging with peers in a group setting.

Outdoor Comfort: Is your child okay with being outdoors in the summer? Our camp activities are held outdoors for portions of the day, so your child should enjoy spending time in nature, exploring the trails, and participating in outdoor games, even when it’s sunny and warm (but not too warm).

Safety Awareness: Can your child follow simple safety directions? Whether it’s staying within designated areas, listening to camp leaders, or understanding basic safety rules, we want campers to be aware of their surroundings and stay safe.

Interest in Art & Nature: Does your child enjoy creative activities, such as arts and crafts, as well as exploring the natural world? Our camp offers a mix of art projects and nature-based learning experiences that inspire kids to engage with the environment and express themselves creatively.

Physical Readiness: Will your child be comfortable walking with the group? We will be out on the trails, and children should be able to walk at a steady pace and cover a distance of up to one mile. This ensures they can fully participate in the outdoor exploration and activities.

Emotional Readiness: Is your child ready for a day camp experience away from home? While our camp is designed to be supportive and fun, some children may need more time to adjust to being away from parents or caregivers.

Independence: Is your child able to go to the bathroom by themselves? This is an important skill for kids attending a day camp to ensure they can manage their personal needs without requiring adult assistance.

If your child meets these criteria, they’re ready to have a fantastic time at Mission Trails Summer Camp, where they’ll explore, create, and build memories! Register here.

All Mission Trails Regional Park (MTRP) Foundation camp staff are trained in CPR/First Aid. If you will be sending your child with medication, please complete the Day Camp Medication Form and bring the medication with your child on the first day of camp. If you will be sending your child with medication, please complete the MTRP Day Camp Medication Form and bring it with the medication on the first day of camp.

Summer Camp Contact
Alissa Lustgarten, Youth Program Manager
Mission Trails Regional Park Foundation