Saturday morning, Biggie (sitting lower right corner) was joined by Mike Schneider, VP of Operations Support and Chief Environmental Officer for SDG&E (blue hat), Maggie Holloway a Canyoneer and Administrative Assistant for the MTRP Foundation (left of Mike), and about 70 members of Mike's staff. They met at the East Fortuna Staging Area of Mission Trails for a presentation and guided nature walk. Alicia Berg, Education Program Instructor for the MTRP Foundation, gave an overview of the education program she presents to the children participating in fieldtrips funded by one of the SDG&E Environmental Champions Grants the MTRP Foundation has recevied. Then they divided into small groups with MTRP Trail Guides Marlin Burke, Marty Fink, Ann Sixtus, David Cooksy, and Canyoneer Maggie Holloway for a 90 minute guided nature walk out into the park. The rain stopped an hour before the program began and everyone had a very good time.
SDG&E Operations & Environmental Staff take a hike at Mission Trails
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