Capturing the Soul of MTRP
Many creative park visitors submitted photos showing the beauty of MTRP for our 25th Annual Amatuer Photo Contest. All entries were on display at the Visitor Center from June 17 to July 14. The reception and awards was Sunday, June 25, 2017.
The contest opened early this year so everyone could take advantage of all the spectacular wildflower blooms and spring growth provided by a warm winter and the gentle rains. Children 12 and under were especially encouraged to participate.
This year we added the ablity of entering photos digitally thanks to our sponsor San Diego Family Magazine.
The judges were David Cooksy, Gerry and Claire Tietje. They had 165 beautiful photos to judge.
Special thanks to MTRP Foundation Board Member Betty Ogilvie and her husband, Mike, for setting up the displays and refreshments.
Congratulations to all the winners. Thanks to all who submitted photos that captured the soul of MTRP. Start shooting photos for next year’s contest.
Click here for a slide presentation of 2017 Winners!
Click on any of the pictures for a larger image